Romney is a risky Ponzi scheme! Mitt's plan calls for more federal spending, cutting taxes for the wealthy, and raising taxes on the middle class which will increase the deficit. Obama is solidifying his base while Romney comes off as a snake oil salesman:
Romney debate no game changer 100% wrong. Let me guess, you think every reporter/commentator in print media is objective and honest?
You obviously did not watch the debate. His first rule. If you cannot justify borrowing money from china, then the spending is going to get cut. He plans to cut spending to a level of 20% or less, of GDP. We borrow money to fund PBS.
400-500 million dollars is given to PBS to fund the various liberal talk shows, like Charlie Rose, Jim Leher and others. The only show that makes money is Big Bird. Big Bird is a money maker. Liberals like PBS, cause most liberals cant make it on private sector TV/radio. Here we are in a blue state. Conservative talk radio on KVI, KTTH, and 1590 am. AM1000 and 1090 are mostly liberal, KIRO is now on FM and its split. Why do we need NPR? Let them compete in the open market. You want to donate fine, but dont borrow money to fund it.
Why does the federal govt have 49 job education programs that report to 8 different agencies? SEND the money back to the states and let them decide what to offer, says Romney.
Taxes. The rich are not getting a tax cut. Romney wants to
bring down rates, while offsetting the deductions that libs, keep complaining about, which will give us a flatter more equal tax code. IE less loopholes for the mega rich. Reagan did much the same and revenues jumped.
While the obama surrogates complain that there are not enough deductions, to offset the percentage reduction, the reality is, its just going to reduce the amount of decrease in the rate. He specifically said, his tax cuts in the rates, will not be allowed to increase the deficit. Its the OBAMA team that already is going to raise taxes on everyone, in 2013 when the obamacare taxes begin. Ive seen some tax changes and sales tax will not be deductible in washington. Ive got a long list somewhere.
The only federal spending that Romney would increase is military, since a lot of our navy fleet numbers have come down below what they consider safe. I dont know how old you are, but both Clinton and Carter cut military spending. Then we end up with equipment breakdowns and shortages, when called into action. That said, there are congressmen who want to remix how the military dollars are spent. Some rinos are just too lazy to figure it out and of course, in LALA land, smaller defense budgets mean more money for people on the public dole.
These policies are verifiable on Romneys website.